Dear Winter

Dear winter,

You have been a long and drawn out season. It is hard enough living without baseball for months but then you give me cold weather and snow up to my head. No thank you!

Basketball, hockey and football were supposed to help me with the tough transition of winter. So much for that. For starters, the Minnesota Vikings season was disappointing- they came in last in their division behind the Detroit Lions. And you don’t want to know who I cheer for in the NHL and NBA. Quite frankly, both their seasons are embarrassing. So I would consider those three sports a fail in helping me cope with the season.

But you know, I have survived. Yes I have. The blogs, the trade rumours, the news, and even baseball players on Twitter have helped me through this difficult time. And despite your dismay, regular games will be here before you know it!

But as of tomorrow, I will no longer have to deal with you. Spring starts in March you say? Oh no, spring is not marked by a date but simply when pitchers and catchers head down to Florida and Arizona. Finally February 14th has arrived!

Tomorrow I’ll smile a little wider, my eyes will be a little brighter and my heart will be fulfilled. Baseball will be my Valentine’s tomorrow and I’ve been awaiting the day that me and my beloved met again for months. And tomorrow will just be the beginning of our eight month long affair filled with bliss and happiness.

So dear winter, I will not miss you one bit. Yes I’ll look out my window and the snow you have provided will prevent me from playing baseball or dressing as though it is spring. But mentally I’ll be somewhere else. My mind is down in Florida and Arizona and really I know tomorrow marks the first day of spring. And despite your desperate measures to persuade me that spring isn’t for another month, I will go on with my happy ways tomorrow because winter, you cannot come in between my love and passion for baseball.

I wish I could tell you that it has been a slice, but it really hasn’t been. I’ll see you again in October (the real beginning of winter) but until the adieu!



P.S: And by the way, PLAY BALL!


“Realizing if you dream hard enough, you really are part of the team.”

Question of the day: Which playoff team from last season will fall short of playoffs this season?



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